How To Auto Flow Text In Cs6 For Mac


Oct 02, 2012  The complete course has a total duration of 7 hours and 4 minutes. InDesign CS4: Typography table of contents: Introduction 1. Getting Started 2. Placing and Flowing Text 3. Create a path in the shape you need using the Pen tool. When you hover over it with the text tool, you'll see the cursor change to the Area Text tool (little parentheses around the I-bar). You can use a shape layer, too, but there's no need. Type the text, and it will flow inside the path. If you need to change the shape later, just edit the path.

How To Auto Flow Text In Cs6 For Mac

One of the cool new features found in Adobe InDesign CS5 is the ability to balance the amount of text appearing in multiple columns. Unbalanced columns of InDesign text Take the image above for example. Rather than inserting hard returns, using the Enter key to force text to the next column, or adjusting the size of the text container itself, you can simply use the Balance Columns feature. To do so, select the text container to make it active, then go to Object>Text Frame Options (or hit Command + B). In the dialog box that appears, tick the Balance Columns checkbox. The results are a balanced columns of text, regardless of the text container size as seen in the image below.